Custom Flange Fitting

Did you know about 99%* of people use the wrong size pump flanges? That’s almost everyone!

Are you pumping on a schedule? Exclusively pumping? Pumping at work? Have a NICU baby?


Flange fitting rulers are available all over the internet but it’s very inaccurate and nipple diameter is only one aspect of flange fitting. Imagine trying on shoes. I can measure my foot at a size 9 but that doesn’t mean that every size 9 shoe will be right for me. I need to try on a shoe and walk around to know how it feels in motion. There’s so much more to flange fitting than a simple measurement!

Flanges smaller than 19mm were not created until the end of 2022. Size 11mm flanges were made available in January 2024 and new shapes continue to be churned out (I added new shapes Summer 2024)!

If you are planning to pump consistently, you need a flange fitting. Pumping should be comfortable, not annoying or painful. And you shouldn’t look like you have traffic cones for nipples when you’re done!

Properly fitting flanges…

  • Improve pumping comfort (pumping should NOT be painful)

  • Significantly decrease the chance of nipple/areola damage and mastitis

  • Improves pumping efficiency (ie saves you time and energy)

  • And perhaps most importantly, maintains milk supply

But I was sized in the hospital!

Did they have you try on the size they recommend? Often hospitals size people too big because that’s the equipment available to them.

It’s like going to Nordstrom to buy shoes and they only have Nikes. And they’re all size 11 or bigger. Yes, size 11 is perfect for some people but most people are smaller than an 11. And the shoes you got from your insurance company comes with a size 12 and a size 14! And none of these sizes are right for you but at least in the 14s your feet flop around enough that they’re not painful.

The moral of my analogy is, the hospital fitting most likely isn’t really the best size for you. Trying on several sizes and shapes is much more accurate and can change your whole pumping experience.

What’s Included?

  • Try as many sizes as needed to find the perfect fit

    • Sizes 10mm to 36mm available to try

    • Conical, crater, and pano shapes (yes, a 15mm conical flange feels different than a 15mm pano flange!)

      • More shapes continue to be made my manufacturers!

  • 45 min apt

  • Same day purchasing of supplies from me if they are in stock

    • If not in stock, I will send you links to product recommendations

    • Replacement pump parts and bottles

  • Basic pump use instruction. Includes figuring out the best pump for your needs.

  • Custom pump schedule based on your needs

What’s not included?

  • Baby assessments

  • Changes to lactation care plans

  • Bottle feeding assistance

  • Recommendations for mastitis or milk supply


*From my own non-scientific guesstimate. If this were based on my own clients, I’ve had 1 person in 2 years who already had the correct size.

Updated 9/7/24