Inclusive practice

Please know that Flourishing Tots is a safe practice for all people.

You matter and deserve help feeding your child.

I aim to provide culturally competent care to all of my clients. Please. If you see me doing or posting something that further marginalizes your community, tell me. I want to do better and am a constant learner.

I am a fierce ally for the LGBTQIA+ community. Not everyone in my family identifies as cisgender or heterosexual and I will go to the ends of the earth to protect them and advocate for their community.

I am also happy to help you find an IBCLC who matches your identity. If you need help finding the right person for you, send me a message. Families have the best outcomes when they feel comfortable with their health care team. If I’m not a match for you, no problem. Let’s find someone who is right for you.

I am a cishet, light-skinned Japanese-American woman. I am aware that my skin color brings systemic privilege to my world. Life gave me biases, many of which I am unaware of and I am always working to do better.